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HR Analysis

This dashboard showcases human resources information for a company based on the number of employees, their salaries, and the results from a performance evaluation test. The information is presented across three pages, which can be navigated using bookmarks: Total Employees, Salary Analysis, and Performance Evaluation.

In the Total Employees section, data on all company employees is displayed according to the department they belong to (vertical bar chart), their location (bubble map), and their distribution by age group, salary range, and evaluation outcome, shown in horizontal bar charts. At the top of the dashboard, five cards interact with all visualizations, displaying average age, average evaluation, total employees, average salary, and gender division for each selection made. Finally, a table with specific information about each employee is presented, maintained across the three report pages.

In the Salary Analysis section, information on the average salary and total salary in each state where the company operates and in each of its departments is displayed (on the bubble map and vertical bar chart, respectively). Additionally, each employee's age and salary are shown on a scatter plot, with cards to view the total number of employees, gender, average salary, and total salary for each selection made on this page.

Lastly, on the Performance Evaluation page, data on the average employee evaluation by state and department is displayed, with two bar charts added to visualize the results by manager and gender. Cards also present the average, minimum, and maximum evaluations for each selection made.

Key Findings:

93% of all employees are located in just three states: California, Texas, and Massachusetts, with the remaining 7% spread out individually across other states and countries. The production department accounts for more than a third of all employees, with a significant majority of women (44) over men (29). All departments distribute their employees among the three largest states (California, Texas, and Massachusetts), except for the sales department, which has representatives in all states and countries where the company operates. Meanwhile, the average age of departments ranges between 43 and 44 years, with the exception of sales and the executive office, which average 50 and 62 years, respectively.

Regarding income, only in the production and executive office departments can a positive correlation between salary and employee age be identified. Additionally, the average salary for men ($79,200) is considerably higher than that for women ($71,200), with men showing a prevalence in the $100k salary range, while women are concentrated in the $60-80k range.

Finally, the average evaluations for the information technology and sales departments appear to be the lowest compared to the average of 7.6, at 7.1 and 6.9, respectively. These departments also have the lowest minimum scores (5 and 5.1 for each). The sales area also has the lowest maximum score of all departments (8.8).

Access dashboard here


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